Ecology:  The study of living organisms and their environment. The study of ecology aims to explain why organisms live where they do. To do this ecologists study ecosystems, areas that can vary in size from a pond to the whole planet.

Ecosystem:  A reasonably self-contained area together with all its living organisms.

Endodermis: in plants, the outer layer of the vascular bundle. Vitally, it contains the Casparian strip which regulates transport of ions into the vascular bundles of roots. Endodermis means ‘inner skin’

Epidermis: In plants, the outer layer of root. Root hair cells are epidermal cells adapted to increase the surface area for absorption. Epidermis means ‘outer skin’

Erythrocytes: posh name for red blood cells.

Eukaryotic cell: Cells with a true nucleus and DNA organised into chromosomes. Complex cell with organelles such as mitochondria, ER etc. Animals, plants, fungi etc.

Eutrophication: Excessive entry of nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) into lakes and rivers.

Fertilisers (artificial / organic): Materials added to the soil which increase nutrient availability for plants.